Friday, August 12, 2005 bloggin...

it would seem like i have alot going on..since i havent updated my blog in a while...

but guess what...i dont do a thing!

im not busy..i dont go anywhere....i just watch videos and read books with my son...and you know do the ebay thing...

so tell me...whey cant i update my blog on a regular basis...I DONNO!...

okay..whats been going on...

im going to my class reunion in october...10 whole more like 5 or 6...the tshirt is done...and it looks really nice...

what son is getting bigger!...he took this picture at the picture people the other week...with his little short haircut! lol he is a goofy little kid...

i couldnt believe he took that...needs to be on a box or something...with some wild slogan underneath...


what else..ebay business is going pretty good...thats about it really...
nothing exciting...i wish..but there isnt...

my life as a 28 year old single mother lame..

okay...umm....dang not even a new picture....

ive been just being lazy..and chilling..

i donno..maybe this weekend something will happen..and give me something to write about...

but until then...adios :)