oooh i have been slacking on my blog lately..i found that yahoo 360 blog..and its soo cool and get connected...listen to me..i sound like a damn commerical..but that ish is pretty cool...i was on it last night for like 2 hours looking at different people...

yeah yeah yeah...about my i wrote about it on my "other blog" damn i love that 360...

but anyway i was asked to come up to cleveland for christmas by my second mom and her sisters...

and i was just thinking...damn kpp has a father...whom im not with..but yet its still his father and who is active in his dont have a life...i never do anything for chirstmas...maybe go to my familys house...we didnt last year because of the big snow storm...but my question is...can i really take kpp out of town for christmas?? his father is here in town...would that be right?...and then im families have this debate all the time?? like where will the child be for christmas? that fair to dad?? but then i think about it like this...when will i ever be able to do something? his family and friends live in this city...i dont have family whenever i want to go out of town for a holiday...what will happen?...will i always decline so my son will have both parents for holidays??...its really sad when i think about it...i wish things could be different..but they arent...this is what they mean on the today show when they say things like..yeah you arent married but it seems like you have gotten a divorce....i dont know what to do...i would really like to go up there for christmas..i havent spent a christmas with them in years..but on the other it mean?...when do i get to live my life?? when kpp can choose which parent he wants to stay with when?? or is that wrong too? like making a child choose?...its wild...and damn it makes me sad to think...i put my baby boy in this not thinking before i act... thats the it wrong to take your child out of town on holidays...when his father is active in his life?? like his father will miss out on his christmas...or like corey said...we will celebrate christmas before christmas.....i donno..corey said nothing is wrong with friend girl said...i didnt ask to be a single parent...i mean but this was a consequence when i laid down..that this shit could happen...we werent

okay again i this wrong? or just a fact of life? when two people arent together...and they have a child??


NameLiar said...

I have a 360 page that I do absolutely nothing

I don't think it is mean to take your son with you. If you ask his dad I'm sure he wouldn't mind. As you said it has been a long time since you have seen your family and you matter just as much as your son's father. Its not like you are taking him away forever...just a couple of days.

I say go for it.