Tuesday, April 05, 2005

a beatiful day!

hey...the weather is soooo great!!! i love it!! i mean its sooo beautiful outside!!! but (there is always a but).....i have some sinus pressure going on...i have nooo idea where this comes from...i think it is because of my dress code...like one day i have on a sweater the next day i dont...and i probably should...well...i guess ill have to take it in stride until my body is used to the up and down weather...but hey...lookey lookey...new pics of the boy...

i took this picture friday...i dont think i posted..if i did i didnt put the pic up...but man i love this little smile...when he greets me at the sitters..he smiles this little smile...or in the morning when he has awaken on his own (he hates when i wake him up!)...he smiles this little smile...he is always smiling this little cute smile...i loooove this freaking kid!!!

he wore this hat on saturday! everyone looooved it...lol...its soo funny and nice to see how different people react to kpp...he is such a big flirt...when women would say..awww he is soo cute...he would look at me...then at them and smile lol...like i guess to get my approval...or to say mom...i still love you..but i have to smile at my fan club lol..he is such a mess...

and then today...we went out walking and did alittle shopping...and i looked at him while we were having dinner...and was in awww...he is getting sooo big now...and i feel soo happy with him...i used to feel sad to know that he was getting older...but now...its nice...we have our own special way of communicating...he smiles at me...kisses me without me even asking for kisses...hugs...laughs...ooh i love his little laugh...he even throws little fits...and i have to let him know that mommie doesnt like it...and its kinda funny how he knows im "dead serious" lol...and its even more funny that he only says mommie when he wants me to pick him up lol...he is soo sweet...just a good natured and good tempered kid...(unless he wants to watch his movie lol)...but i enjoy him...and i hope he knows it.....these two pics are of us today...lol look how he is sitting...lol..i had to get this...he is soo hilarious...almost like he is posing for something..i guess he knew i would snap a picture if he did something out of the ordinary lol...

night...mommie isnt feeling too well tonight...sinus!