time flies!!!!....
my best cousin...pey pey......i know she always hated when our aunt called her that lol...maybe not knowing her though lol...but wow...she is 27!...and whenever i think about how old she is...i think damn im a year older...shoooooooooooooot!!! lol...
well...dang...they gave me free...and i stay secretly calling myself a stay home mom) hahahah..YEAH RIGHT...but i get to spend some quality time with the boy...he will still go to his sitter 3 times a week...because we still have to pay..(so we dont loose the spot) so yeah it sucks...but i think she does a good job with i want to keep him there...but im kinda struggling with wanting him home too...but i guess two times a week home is cool...and then the 3x there is helping him with his social skills...i dont want him toooo spoiled when he has to go again i love that kid...
well okay...i finally finally finally bought some reeeeallly niiiice cant believe i bought it...i really cant...ive been saying for mooonths that i needed some furniture in my that kpp is getting older...some place where we can just sit and chill out...its really nice...a big sectional...when i think about my small place i just hope the furniture doesnt swollow my place up...but i have the perfect way to put everything...and now i can finally have real guest over lol...well not real guest..but people i dont know lol...maybe a party when it all soo excited..
i guess this time off is really helping me..i feel really relaxed now...not to say my life was sooo stressed..but i just feel jobhating...i can just wake up with the baby...and we play and talk...and then get him ready for school or stay in bed....its just nice...i see why folks dont even want to having a good time...i hate even thinking about finding a new job lol...damn
but i decided on days i would take him to daycare...i would walk...well walk more...i walk all the time..but these days would be my "excersise days"...well this morning i did..and man i feel good..i always knew excersise makes you feel good...but damn i always hate to start always makes me feel good afterwards..but just getting a pain!!!...well...i said the last little stretch to my apt buidling i would run...well i did that too lol...damn i walk pretty fast...always walking is really nothing..but i stepped it up alittle...and then ran the rest of the way to the apt..damn i think the running is what really tired me out...when i get to my apt..i have to climb to the second floor..damn i thought i would pass out lol...i was sooooooo tired...but i see the running is what got my heart rate going...this guy who was standing in the street (maybe some inspector) he was staring at me when i was walking but then lol...i just took off running...not fast because im not jackie joyner...but just ran lol...hahahah it was soo funny...i think he was about to say..."hi"...because he was opening his mouth and raising his hand lol...and just at that moment i started running..and i just waved..his face was soo funny...(probably thought...damn she is a nut)...little does he know i am a nut...but running has nothing to do with it lol...well needless to say...that felt that i caught my breath lol... going to get in bed...well shower first and get in bed...i feel really good..and job??? lol...thats funny...
ps...for all you people with not trying to rub this in your what the hell..yes i am!!!! (nichole!!!)
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