Tuesday, December 21, 2004

this bloggin thing...way too cool....

if you know me...im always excited about the smallest things...and its crazy that im always looking for approval from the ones i love...i dont share my joy with most people...but if you are one of the few friends i have...you would know how much im loving the blog thing....damn ive even clicked on the old photoshop icon...to "create" again...its really nice to have an outlet...even if only a handful of people read it...well my sons handful...maybe like 2 or 3 folks...but its the cool new thing...these blogs..and im enjoying it....

but anywho..i was talking to my friend tonight...and she was trying to tell me...
What I NEED in a Mate...she is crazy but because we are great friends i just talked about her behind her back to "dad" lol...i love you boo hahahaha...but after she told me some of the stuff im was thinking yeah she may be right to a degree...so i guess this is what i need...

....Someone who will listen and probe a little, not too hard (ok...no pun intended..but damn do i need a probing hahahaha), but just enough for me to understand that he cares about my feelings and my inner thoughts, he needs to provide for me a safe environment for me to express myself freely. He needs to be able to understand that sometimes during conflict that my first reaction or actions to a situation are not always what I truly mean to express...maybe it was just the heat of the moment....He needs to be a giver, because I am one, and not ask me what I want but listen and try to figure out what I need and give it to me..hahaha mates in my past will get this lol...i never know what i want for dinner...i never care where we go....i just never care...im usually happy just chilling out with my man..I need someone to help expose me to things because I am curious and loves adventure, but need someone to help pull me out into the world of the unknown....because im soo scared too....I need someone who will respect me and show me how a woman should be treated especially physically and sexually. RESPECT, his mindset should be "now baby this is how a woman is supposed to be treated" so that my mind is renewed regarding relationships. I love quality time with my man, so he has to be someone that values one on one time.....

soooooo true...i added some things to what she said...but damn...thats right on point with what i need...what i want...

okay im going to bed...its sooo freaking cool in this apartment..."kpp" seems to love it though...but he has on a all over pj set...with those feet covered...hahaha...i lvoe those things...i actually wish they made them for adults...