Tuesday, January 11, 2005

vitamin T lol

its soo funny that my good friend derek and i always talk...so today i was kinda do some other things...and i couldnt really get it together to email with him today...so he texted my phone saying...

derek: u ok?
me: yes

then when i get back to the office...im like whats up..all worried that he isnt okay...and he assured me that he was fine...and we started our email chat today...

well then he said the sweeeeeeeeetest thing..man i love him lol..

he said..."......Miss you...that's all...got to get my Vitamin T
each day you know..?

man that was soo sweet lol..makes me feel like a 100000000 million bucks!! lol...


johnno said...

Hi from Boston

i caught your blog at random. you have a beautiful son and you are a beautiful lady. i enjoyed your blog very much.
